About Us

Welcome to the Mentor Iowa Web Site! The mission of Mentor Iowa is to provide trained volunteer mentors to abused, neglected, and delinquent children who are under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court. We will do this by working in partnership with the children, their families and the community.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, July 17th – Blank Park Zoo




Upcoming Events

May – Iowa Cubs baseball – TBD (based on when season starts)

Saturday, June 22nd – WICKED performance at the Civic Center




Ways You Can Help & Updates


On Friday, September 25th, Mentor Iowa will host its 15th annual Divots & Dimples charity golf outing.  We will host this event at Copper Creek Golf Course in Pleasant Hill.  Please visit our Divots & Dimples charity golf page at http://mentoriowa.org/special-events/about-us/ to learn more about our sponsors and special day out on the course.


Mentor Iowa would like to thank the O’Donnell & Friends Open for selecting Mentor Iowa as the charity of choice from their golf outing in 2016.  As a result of their hard work and efforts, Mentor Iowa received $103,198.25 to help create the Dan & Dee O’Donnell scholarship. This scholarship will benefit Mentor Iowa mentees who are in their Sophomore, Junior and Senior years in college.


From Our Blog: